Adele M. Hook assisted in the formation of Norris George & Ostrow PLLC in 2017, and served as Director of Administration through March 2023. Ms. Hook has recently become Director of Finance/Strategic Planning and no longer manages the day-to-day operations of the firm. Ms. Hook has worked with Mr. Norris since 1981, both as a legal secretary and paralegal. Ms. Hook is familiar with all aspects of the firm’s practice.
Prior to joining Norris George & Ostrow, she was an administrator for Ritter & Eichner PLLC upon its founding in 1991 and served as the firm’s administrator and its successors through June 30, 2017.
Ms. Hook earned an Associate’s Degree in Business Administration from Anne Arundel Community College in 1990. Ms. Hook is a member of the Capital Chapter of the Association of Legal Administrators and a member of the National Association of Bond Lawyers Legal Assistants Group.